Hello, I'm Chelsy,
I am a 4 year old female American Cocker Spaniel. I am spayed and Up to Date on all of my vaccinations. I am heartworm negative too. My foster family takes really good care of me they keep me on monthly heartworm and flea preventative. I do have a skin condition that is common to Cocker Spaniels, but we keep it under control with twice weekly baths with a special shampoo and a good quality grain-free food and the biggest thing, FLEA preventative. Boy those buggers really make me itchy and make my skin tender and have sores and my hair falls out! Yuck! The good news is I have NO problems with my ears! That is another common problem with Cocker Spaniels.
The bad news is I MAY have mammary cancer. To find out for sure I need an operation that costs around $500, but my prognosis is VERY GOOD after I have the surgery. The $500 estimate is a greatly reduced cost very generously offered by Dr. Jones at Garrison Animal Clinic, in fact almost half of that figure is diagnostic, for the biospy. So Dr Jones will actually do the surgery for almost nothing!
What I have is a small mass on my underside closer to my tail. The mass was detected in June of 2011 and at that time my lymph nodes were not swollen. Then in late July 2011, I went in to have an exam. It showed the mass had grown to 1 1/2 half times its original size and at that time my lymph nodes were a little swollen. So my foster mom paid out of her pocket, for an x-ray to see if they could confidently diagnose the cancer or not. The results were inconclusive. Rghh! so frustrating. So that is why I say I MAY have mammary cancer because until they do the surgery and send off a biopsy there is no other way to tell for sure.
My foster family is trying to raise the money for the biopsy/surgery fund and any donation would be greatly appreciated. You can click below to donate. Please specify in the Pay Pal comments, that your donation is for my biopsy/surgery or if you prefer, you can donate directly to Dr. Jones at Garrison Animal Hospital 352-340-5928 and be sure to tell them it is for Chelsy Donohue.
And by the way this hasn't slowed me down one little
bit. Honestly I don't know what the fuss is all about. The
mass never bothered me and it hasn't grown since July
2011 and my lymph nodes are not swollen anymore. But
I guess since it may be cancer I should have the operation
to find out for sure.
I am a very sweet girl, I love
to play with toys with people. However, I get jealous
if you are playing with me or petting me and another
dog comes close to us.
My foster mom is working on that behavior with me,
but I can't help it, I want the humans all to myself.
So, my foster mom thinks that a home with me as the
only dog would be best. Boy would I love that! ALL the attention just for me!
I am very active and would really enjoy a home with someone who will take me for lots of walks, and take me places in the car. I've never been to the dog beach, but it sounds really fun and my foster mom thinks I would love it! She also thinks I would be great at Agility because I am so active, I love to run and I can jump really high!
I like the two kids who live at my foster home and I like their friends, they are all older than 8. Sometimes my foster mom has friends over that have younger kids, they make me nervous so I would rather live with older kids please.
February 9, 2012
Oh! I almost forgot, my foster mom finally found out that I can't live with cats, (she hasn't had a cat in 22 years).The kids found a stray cat so they tried to introduce me to her. NOT a good idea. Cats always run and I want to chase them. Not sure what I would do if I caught one but I did kill a few rats in our old barn last fall. Boy that was fun!
If you have room in your
home and your heart for me, please contact my foster
mom, Amy. You can e-mail her resq@barkparkdogdaycare.com or
call her, 352-796-1888. She hopes to hear from you
VERY soon! You Be My Valentine?!