When Can My Dog Come To Bark Park?
Monday – Friday 7am-6pm *Reservations Are Recommended*Payment is Due by Friday of the Week Prior to the Week of Attendance for Weekly Payments or
the Last Friday of the Month Prior to Month of Attendance for Monthly Payments.
We Accept Cash, Check, Credit Cards and PayPal * Credit Cards and PayPal ONLY Available Online
How Much Does Dog Day Care Cost?
1 Full-Day = $20 per dog/day2 Full-Days = $36 per dog/week
3 Full-Days = $54 per dog/week
4 Full-Days = $64 per dog/week
5 Full-Days = $80 per dog/week
Additional Family Dog $15 per dog/day
1/2 Days (Go Home Before 1pm/ Arrive After 1pm) = $14 per dog/day
Package Special 10 Full-Days Prepaid (Must be completed within 120 days of purchasing package)= $160 per dog/month ~ SAVE $40
Prices are Subject to Change
ALL Reservations are Assumed to be for a Full-Day unless there is a specific request for a half-day at the time of reservation.
How Much Do CAGE-FREE Overnites Cost?
Overnites at Bark Park are like no Other Place in Town. Our Goal is to Make Your Dog Feel at HOME When You Have to be Away! We do this by having the dogs spend all their time in supervised, size and play-style appropriate groups throughout the day. At night the supervised dogs are allowed to sleep wherever they prefer, either on beds, couches, chairs or the floor. We also have a few open crates as some dogs prefer to sleep in cozy den-like comfort. Also, if you are crate training your dog we will support you in that and follow your dog's regular routine as closely as we can. Or, if you don't allow your dog on the furniture at home, we won't either. Overnites also include unlimited amounts of affection, petting, belly rubs, and only positive reinforcement of manners.Next Time You Have to Go Away, Let Us Make Your Dog Feel at Home.
Overnite $30 per Day/Night CombinationOvernite Addditional Family Dog $25 per Day/Night Combination
On Arrival Day $10 per night if dropped off after 4 pm
On Pick-Up Day $20 if picked up after 10 am
PLEASE click here to fill out your Dog's Personal Profile
PLEASE Click here to make Daycare or Boarding Reservations
Grooming Services Available
(While Your Dog is in Daycare)
Nail Trim $5
Brushing $8
Bath $15
The Works $30

PLEASE make your bath reservation at the same time you make your Daycare reservation. On bath days, Please indicate what time you intend to pick up your dog so that we can make sure your friend is dry enough to go home.
Ear Cleaning $7Bath $15